Saturday, April 27, 2013

Temple of the Winds

There are many places in Mozambique that I would love to visit, and this past weekend I managed to check one off the list. I spent three days in Gurue, Zambezia Province. It’s a marvelous place, very close to the highest point in Mozambique, Mount Namuli. Gurue sits in a high valley (well, high for Moz) surrounded by mountains, and full of farms both commercial and subsistence. It’s truly a unique region, and one I was very lucky to visit. I spent one day wandering around a tea plantation by myself taking as many pictures as pleased me. The next day I joined a group of expats in hike partway up a mountain, with stunning vistas of the area. I really cannot give justice through writing to this beautiful area, so I won’t try. Hopefully my photos can provide a glimpse into Gurue.

A view from the macademia farm where we had a braai on Sunday

The tea plantation in up4, where I wandered aimlessly for a couple of hours

A beautiful little brook. There was a wonderful swimming hole just upstream.

There are three other photos I posted to my flickr. If you would like to see them, click on any of these photos, and it will redirect you to them.

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