Monday, August 12, 2013

Game of Thrones

Friday was quite a unique experience in Mozambique. Adam and I were watching Castle while waiting for our lunch of beans and rice to finish cooking, when we heard a strange noise in the back yard. I went out to investigate, but couldn’t find the cause. I waited a little longer, and could hear some deep seeded cracking sounds coming from the direction of our bathroom. I looked up to see that the tree just on the outside of our fence was leaning heavily.
Adam and I watched the tree give one last crack before crashing to the ground, the trunk of the tree landing directly on our shower, simultaneously destroying our fence, wash basin and stand, as well as cutting off any sort of access to our latrine.
After two hours of chopping away with machetes (but here they call them catanas… awesome, right?), we managed to cut a route to the bathroom at the sacrifice of even more of the fence. But hey, our throne room is open again, and the fence is repairable. Or at the least, it’s replaceable.
So now we only have to chop up the trunk (also with machetes, which takes a while) and replace our fence. In the meantime, we’ve constructed a makeshift shower on our verandah, which looks much like a blue tarp with a capulana door.
Once the tree and branches are totally chopped up, we’re gonna have ourselves a few campfires.

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