Sunday, June 16, 2013

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Step right up; it’s time to play the Nametil lottery. If you think you’re the bull goose loony, then step forward, speak up, and prove you can gamble at the big kid’s table.
The Nametil lottery is quite an experience. One doesn’t consciously place a bet, it just happens when you step foot in this town. We have since found we bet on a lot of things, even if by complete accident. Some bets you win, some you lose. I’ve recently won one. I’m currently the proud owner of the only functioning light socket in the house. BOOM.
Sometimes the house wins. Yesterday, Adam and I found that yet another rat has decided to tempt the fates in our house. We had it cornered behind the desk of doom (the one we’ve used to squash three of this rodent’s predecessors) and were about to strike when the fluorescent light in the main room went out (which came in the form of flashing on and off, thereby creating the feel of being in an asylum), thus resulting in escape.
Our bets were laid for everything as soon as we chose rooms in this household. Many of them have already panned out to provide a winner or losers. Who knows how many more hustles this house has in store for Adam and me? Hopefully not too many, or we could go even crazier than we are. One flew east… one flew west….

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